Corporate lawyers call for containment of regulation

Clear words were spoken at the Corporate Lawyers’ Congress (Unternehmensjuristenkongress) held in Berlin between September 13 and 15: the participants demanded a reduction of bureaucracy and regulation because, as it’s been explained, the tasks of the legal teams be harder and harder to manage.

The Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann promised to take appropriate measures in the near future and explained that in Germany the latest resolutions of the Meseberg cabinet meeting, such as the Bureaucracy Relief Act IV and the Growth Opportunities Act, are intended to create room for manoeuvre for the economy.

In her welcoming speech, Dr Claudia Junker, President of the German Association of Corporate Lawyers (BUJBundesverbands der Unternehmensjuristen) and general counsel at Deutsche Telekom, made it clear that she considers overregulation to be a massive risk for companies. As an example, she referred to the planned EU supply chain regulation to prevent forced labour, child labour and environmental violations. “I have not read anywhere so far that we have systemic weaknesses within the EU on the issues mentioned”. What is needed, she said, is a better balance between trust and regulatory density in the internal market.

“No one in the Bundestag wants more bureaucracy,” former in-house lawyer Manuela Rottmann, who now sits in the Bundestag, stressed. “We all have to take the time to examine which rules we could do without and this also requires experience from practice”.