Luther advises on sale of Elisabeth Hospital Kassel

With the help of Luther, the Elisabeth Vinzenz Verbund (EVV) is selling all shares in the Elisabeth Hospital Kassel GmbH and in the associated medical care centre. The new owner is St. Vinzenz GmbH, Fulda (Vinzenz Gruppe Fulda). The transition took place on 1 January 2025.

A team of experts led by Dr Oliver Kairies (pictured), Dr Daniel Schubmann and Dr Karina Wojtowicz (and with Dr. Hendrik Bernd Sehy, Frances Wolf, Dr. Eva Maria K. Rütz, and Dr. Lisa Kraayvanger), provided EVV with comprehensive legal advice on the sale process. They contributed a wealth of expertise and experience from legal and tax advisory projects in the entire health care & life science industry in Germany and Europe.

The informal bidding process began in spring 2024 and was notarised at the end of the contract negotiations in November 2024. The execution and thus the transfer of shares will take place at the turn of the year 2024/2025. ‘We would like to thank Luther for their expert and successful support in our forward-looking decision to sell Elisabeth Hospital to the Vinzenz Gruppe Fulda,’ says EVV Managing Director Stefan Fischer.

What we know about Elisabeth Vinzenz Verbund

Elisabeth Vinzenz Verbund GmbH is one of the largest Catholic operators of hospitals, care facilities and training centres in Germany. The Catholic Welfare Institute of Saint Elizabeth Reinbek (KWA) and the Church Foundation of St. Bernward Hildesheim joined forces and founded the Elisabeth Vinzenz Verbund, a nationwide group of companies in the health and social services sector, in 2014.

What we know about St. Vinzenz Fulda

St. Vinzenz gGmbH, Fulda (Vinzenz Gruppe Fulda) is a network of high-performance, economically sound and innovative Catholic hospitals in Hesse, which also includes other healthcare facilities. The group maintains 15 locations in Hesse with around 1,000 beds in hospitals, 350 places in nursing homes, in day-care centres for children and eight places in a hospice, and generates an annual turnover of over 220 million euros.